The most common reasons why passports are denied

Especially if you are on a tight schedule, getting your passport application denied can put a major dampener on your travel plans. In reality, there is no reason why most people should get their application denied, as long as they pay close attention to detail, do everything on time, and get help where they need it. Just in case you are worried about your upcoming passport application, take a look at some of the most common reasons why passport applications are denied. You can save yourself the time and hassle by being thorough and getting accepted the first time through.


Passport photos are one of the most common reasons for an application denial, but also one of the easiest to avoid. All you have to do to make sure your passport photo is up to par is get in touch with, which boast a 99.5% acceptance rate.

Missing documents

Make sure to check and recheck all of the necessary documents: driver’s license, birth certificate, voter ID more are ways to prove your national identity and get your application approved. While you may not need all of these forms of identification, having backups is never a bad thing.

Photocopy issues

Copies that are hard to read can easily get rejected, so make sure you use a quality copier or scanner so all your documents come through crystal clear. And before sending in your application, check and double check all of your documentation to make sure it is perfectly legible. When in doubt, make a new copy.

Criminal history

While rare, it is possible for your passport application to be denied on the grounds of your criminal history. Outstanding warrants, past felony convictions, or outstanding child support could all affect the approval process.

Failure to pay

While it might seem like common sense, passport applications come with fees that need to be paid. If you don’t pay the fee on time then you will definitely get rejected. Since fees can vary depending on how quickly you want to get the document, make sure to check ahead of time how much you will need.

Photo: Passport by RichardBowen licensed under Creative commons 2

Your passport FAQs

There aren’t many more essential on-hand items for world travelers than the passport. As your ticket into and out of the country, it is important to keep safe but also learn as much about as you can. The last thing you want is to be left high and dry in another country because you forgot to read the fine print. Even if you have had a passport for years, there are probably a few lingering questions you still haven’t answered. Take a minute to check and see if they are listed below.

How long is my passport valid?

It depends on how old you were when you got it. If you were older than 16, then it expires after 10 years. If you were younger than 16, then it only lasts five years.

Do children need passports?

Definitely. Children 15 years old or younger need to apply for a child passport when traveling overseas. It may be wise to note that child passport photos take a bit of extra care than adult photos, so checking to make sure your photos make the grade before submitting is a good idea.

How quickly can I get a passport?

If you need a passport within three weeks, you can apply for an expedited passport, which will cost extra. Otherwise, it will take six weeks to get your passport. In the case of life or death emergencies, you can apply for a passport within 24 to 48 hours in certain cases.

How important is the passport photo?

Passport photos are one of the most important parts of the process, and the number one reason why passport applications get rejected. To avoid a rejected application, or any problems at customs, make sure you get professional photos taken.

Is a passport a valid form of ID?

Yes, a passport is actually one of the most highly authenticated forms of identification available and can serve as personal identification in most cases. However, when going about your day to day life in your home country, it may not be advisable to carry your passport, in order to keep it as safe as possible.

Tips for taking a good baby passport photo

If you are planning to travel as a family, there are usually many arrangements to make. Ensuring that your passports are in order is a matter of priority. Taking passport photos for adults and the older children is easy. However, if you have a baby, you need to take extra care to ensure that you get the right picture. If it is your first time taking a baby passport photo, you need all the help you can get.

Tips for preparing and taking a good baby passport photo

Understand the requirements

Before taking a passport picture of your child, you need to know the legal provisions of such a picture. You can visit the State Department’s website for all the information you need.

Do it from home

Whether you are going to ask an expert to take the photo or you intend to do it yourself, it is best to do the session at home. If the baby is in familiar surroundings, they are likely to be more composed. Toddlers are sharp enough to notice a change of environment and it may affect their mood.

Feed the baby before the session

If you do not want to spend a lot of time taking the child passport photo, it is best to prepare the baby by making them as comfortable as possible. A parent should wash the baby and feed them just before the session.

Avoid holding the baby during the session

Many parents assume that they have to hold the head of the child when taking the photo. The best way of going about it is to lay out some towels or use an infant car seat to support the kid upright. One can then cover the support item with a white sheet to ensure that the background has a uniform color.

Avoid putting any toys next to the baby

You may be tempted to place some toys next to the baby to comfort them. Should the toys be in the shot, the picture will not meet the required conditions.

Once you have the child ready and looking at the camera, you can take the pictures. It is best to take many shots to allow you to select the best passport photo from the batch.

3 reasons to use an online passport photo service

An online passport photo service can save you time, money, and frustration on your passport photos, offering a variety of benefits you’d struggle to replicate with a photo booth or other passport solutions. You see particular benefit when dealing with difficult pictures, such as photos taking advantage of certain allowances for headgear, or photos for baby and child passports, where the smallest flaw can render your pictures useless. Here are just three of the pros of online passport photos.

1. Take difficult pictures on your own schedule

Getting an adequate photo of a baby or toddler can be an extremely finicky, difficult task with even the best-behaved child. So can photos when you need to account for certain special rules and requirements unique to your situation. Obtaining the perfect photo in the short period of time you have access to a photo booth requires more than a little luck, which is one reason taking your own photos, then leveraging a photo service online, makes a lot of sense.

2. Maximize your chances of receiving your passport in a timely manner

There are a lot of little details which can render your passport photos unacceptable. When you submit these photos, fully expecting them to be accepted, it can cause unreasonable delays and ruin your ability to travel. By working with a passport service which adjusts and screens photos to achieve high acceptance rates, you’ll find it much easier to plan around receiving your passport when you need it most.

3. Avoid hunting for a photo booth.

Passport-friendly photo booths aren’t always easy to find, depending on where you live. Sometimes the best argument for not using one is that there aren’t any present to use in the first place. It doesn’t make much sense to take a lengthy trip to a photo booth, when you can take perfectly serviceable photos from your home.

As you can see, there are plenty of reasons to avoid the booth and stick with an online service. If you want to save on time, money, and headaches, strongly consider using a passport service online to obtain passport photos that you and your nation’s compliance rules will like.

Photo: Passport by seantoyer licensed under Creative commons 2

Why you might want a second passport

You may be surprised to learn that you could qualify for a second passport in addition to your American passport. More and more Americans are eligible for multiple passports because of their ethnic heritage, parents or grandparents, religion or spouse’s birthplace. Sure, to get another passport you will need to apply and get a new set of passport photos taken, but there are some reasons it could actually be a great idea to get another passport if you can.

You can more easily work in another country

Especially if one of your passports belongs to a European Union country, you will have a much easier time working abroad without restrictions.

You can hide where you’ve been

If you ever find yourself traveling to different countries that don’t have a good relationship with each other (i.e. Israel and Arab countries), you will probably be safer and in a better position if you don’t have to advertise that fact at customs.

You don’t want to be identified as an American right away

It’s no secret that many other countries have stereotypical views of American travelers, so not having to show your American passport on a plane can be a good way to get around those biases – or at least, let people give you a chance before you reveal your American citizenship.

You may be able to get cheaper visas or other discounts

For example, visas are cheaper for New Zealanders than Americans, while you may qualify for other travel-related discounts depending on the type of passport you have and where you’re going.

A second passport may be useful if your government is in conflict with another country

Especially if restrictions are placed on where citizens can travel, your second passport may get you out of a bind, or simply make it easier to visit countries that could otherwise be off-limits to you.

Ultimately, having a second passport can make the world more open to you, which is never a bad thing. Plus, you can easily check off the first step of your application by getting your passport pictures taken on our website.

A parent’s guide to baby passport photos

It will come as no surprise to parents that babies are some of the most difficult subjects for photographers to capture on camera. And when it comes to getting a great baby passport photo, getting a good shot on the first try is paramount. While some kids may have an easy time staying still for the photo, some parents will need a few good ideas to get the perfect passport photo. Here are a few you can try:


Make sure to schedule your appointment during a time of day when your little one won’t be overly tired or overly energized. For some, this might mean an hour or half an hour before their regular naptime, while for others it will be right after waking up. The important thing is that they aren’t too cranky to stay calm, but aren’t too excited to make sitting still an impossibility.


Keeping your child calm during the photo is important, since passport photos need to reflect a neutral calm expression. For infants, laying them down on their back looking up is a great way to make sure they are relaxed, while sitting toddlers upright is a good way to go. Take the photos at home or in a place you know they are feeling comfortable. For young infants, a white noise machine or gentle music can be used to maintain a peaceful atmosphere.

Avoid the flash

Most photographers will tell you that natural light is the way to go. It’s not just because the flash tends to flatten-out photos, but because they are a quick way to send a baby into a sour mood. Taking your photos by a window or even in your backyard can be good options.

A two-person job

If you are having trouble getting that perfect passport photo with your child, try enlisting the help of your spouse, a friend, or family member. While one of you stands behind the camera with your finger on the button, the other should be near the child to make sure they are looking in the right direction, as well as feeling comfortable. After a few tries you should be able to get the pose you are going for.

5 more tips for taking a good passport photo

The results of a passport photo session are going to be with you for many years to come, which is why it’s important to pose correctly. You would like to have your appearance represented correctly to avoid problems with security officers at airports. The best news is that there are few tips which can come in handy for accomplishing this task. You’ll only need face powder, makeup, and hair gel.

Review the regulations

Ensure that you take the photo according to the government’s specifications. In the U.S., it should be colored and 2 inches-by-2 inches. Use a white background and face the camera. Professional photographers understand these requirements, but if you plan to do-it-yourself, observe this and print the photos on high-quality paper.

Wear correct attire

A solid-colored T-shirt or collared shirt will do. Don’t wear neutral colors like black, gray or white. Instead, consider your skin tone to select the appropriate color for your case. People with pale skin should go for jewel tones, while dark skinned people look good when wearing vibrant colors.

Use makeup

This is not necessarily in the context of ladies who apply beauty enhancing makeup on their faces. Face powder to absorb the oil on your face will do. Tap some of it on your nose and forehead before the photo session. Women can add clear lip gloss, mascara, and blush for an elegant look, but avoid going overboard.

Wear your prescription glasses

This is particularly applicable if you wear your glasses on a daily basis. When taking the photo, tilt the glasses slightly down on the nose to avoid any glare. Ensure that your eyes are clearly visible behind the lenses. If you use your glasses occasionally, then take them off.

Sit upright

To maintain an upright position, push your shoulders back while holding them down. Stick out your chin an inch or two farther than its normal position and hold it there. You can ask the photographer to countdown from three so that you can blink before photo is taken to prevent a mid-blink. When smiling, keep your lips together and avoid broad smiles.

4 passport tips to make your life easier

When you’re getting ready to travel internationally, there are plenty of potential obstacles you may have to overcome, and some that are entirely avoidable if you plan ahead and travel smart. In fact, there are a number of things you can do with your passport that will make travel a lot less of a headache. Here are some of our favorite passport tips that can save you time, money, or just general hassle:

1. Personalize your family passports

If you’re traveling with your children abroad, you are going to need to get a child passport photo taken and apply for a passport for each of your children. That means there are more documents that you’ll be in charge of during the logistics of getting on and off the plane. One way to save time at security and customs is to put a personalized sticker for each family member on his or her passport, so you can keep them organized and give the right one to the right person when the time comes, rather than having to open every single one.

2. Maximize your blank pages

Often, when you get to customs, the agent will open your passport to any blank page to stamp it, which can lead to pages getting used up a lot faster than they’d otherwise need to. So instead of having to get a new passport when your pages get used up, maximize space by simply asking the customs agent to stamp on a particular page, or put Post-it notes over the blank pages to discourage stamping there.

3. Find out if you’ll need a visa

We often assume that we’ll only need a passport when traveling abroad, but there are certain countries and circumstances when you might also need a visa, and you don’t want to be stuck on the day of travel without one. Check the US State Department website to find country specific information.

4. Double and triple check if your passport is valid

If it isn’t, it’s not the end of the world. You can easily take new passport pictures online here at Paspic and apply for a new passport – you just want to make sure you give yourself enough time, or you’ll be stuck paying fees to expedite the process.

4 tips that will help you beat the passport rush

Did you know that 2016 is expected to be a landmark year for passport applications? It’s true, and it has to do with a ten year-old decision that requires Americans to have a passport for travel to Canada and Mexico. Back in 2006, passport applications hit the 17 million mark and now they’re expiring, numbers are expected to surge up to 20 million or more this year. So, whether you are looking to travel to one of our neighboring countries, or anywhere else in the world for that matter, one question rises to the surface: how can I beat the rush?

The good news is there are a few strategies you can use to make sure you get your travel documents in order in record time. Take a quick look and save yourself a mountain of hassle.

1. Apply by mail

One great way to cut down on time spent in line is to just avoid the lines all together and apply on the internet. It will take less time and you can do it from the comfort of your own home. Who could ask for more?

2. Try an expedited request

For an extra $60 you can put in an expedited request, which will automatically put your application at the top of the stack. The only downside is, you will need to visit the passport office in person. Is an hour spent queuing worth a few weeks saved on your application? You decide.

3. Make an appointment

If you do decide to head into the passport office for an expedited request, your best bet is to set an appointment, so you don’t find yourself waiting behind all of the other walk-ins. This way, you’ll be in and out in no time.

4. Get a professional passport photo taken

Believe it or not, passport photos can get rejected, which, needless to say, can put a major kink in your travel plans. To make sure this doesn’t happen to you, get a professional photo taken. This can help ensure your application gets accepted first time round.

Photo: US Passport by Damian613 licensed under Creative commons 2

4 tips for keeping your passport safe

When you’re traveling abroad, keeping your passport safe while still having it accessible is extremely important. You’ve taken the time to take the proper passport photos, send in your application and get your passport sent to you, and you don’t want to have to repeat that whole process from abroad. Here are some general rules of thumb for how to store your passport in different situations:

1. Keep it your person. If you’re in a situation where you’ll need access to your passport (such as at the airport or when crossing the border) you should keep your passport as close to you as possible. In an airport, this may simply mean in a handbag or in a small compartment of your backpack or carry-on, while other situations may require you to be even more careful, such as hiding it in a money belt underneath your clothing.

2. Leave it at your hotel when you can. When you’re spending the day sightseeing, it’s much safer to not bring your passport with you. Pickpockets are everywhere, and you may not even notice it’s gone until the end of the day. It’s better to keep your passport in your hotel room safe, or in another locked bag, or otherwise hidden away in your hotel room.

3. Don’t let it out of your sight while in transit. If you have your passport in your bag and you’re traveling on a bus or train (or even an airplane), make sure your bag doesn’t end up in a storage compartment under the vehicle, in a separate luggage compartment, or somewhere else out of your sight.

4. Make photocopies. If you’re using your passport as identification while traveling, or you need access to your passport picture for some reason, that doesn’t necessarily mean you need to bring your physical passport with you. Often while traveling abroad, a photocopy of your passport will be sufficient for low-security ID checks like bars or museums.

If something does happen to your passport, or if you need to get a new one for some reason, it isn’t the end of the world. You can always use Paspic get new passport pictures taken and we’ll help you get it taken care of.

Photo: Safe by rpongsaj licensed under Creative commons 2