3 reasons you should take your small child’s passport photos yourself

Getting appropriate passport photos can be an ordeal. With several requirements that must be fulfilled, not including actual sizing and photo paper quality, this can be a challenge even for adults. Is your hair right? Is your head tilted? Is your smile natural? Now imagine the difficulty with children, especially toddlers and babies. What is the likelihood that your small child is going to cooperate in that photo booth or at that drugstore? Instead, consider digital passport photos for the following reasons:

1. You have the home team advantage

There’s no bundling and buckling baby up for a car ride when you take your own passport photos at home. A lot of small children tend to fall asleep in their car seats during rides, which means a cranky or sleepy baby when you finally arrive at your destination. The situation may be set up to fail before you even get out of the car. Maybe your toddler is uncomfortable in unfamiliar locations and needs a comfort object like a pacifier or blanket in order to feel safe. Unfortunately, these can’t be in the photo. Taking the photo at home, in a familiar environment, negates this potential need.

2. You are on your own time

How many times have you carefully planned an outing around your child’s nap schedule, only to have delays or unexpected circumstances throw the whole thing off course? Perhaps your baby was an angel all morning, but suddenly becomes irritable the moment you have to get something done? When you take the photos yourself, you can deal with these situations easily. As soon as baby is fed, changed, and happy, you can snap the photo without ever having to leave your home.

3. There’s no stranger danger

Do you have a baby that cries if a stranger even looks in their direction? While some children love attention from new people, many others feel threatened or frightened by unknown persons. The problem will only be amplified by the fact you cannot hold your baby for a passport photo. No strangers is another point in favor of taking the photos yourself.